Now scheduling projects for August and September

Logo & Brand Design Questionnaire

Please answer all questions as completely and as descriptively as possible.


Please detail exact wording for the logo. For example, Coke is 'Coca-Cola'. 
Please include any capitals and lowercase letters, along with any punctuation needed.
If you have an existing tagline, please enter this here.
If you had just a minute or two to enthusiastically explain what your company does, how would you do so?
Positioning determines what place a brand should occupy in the consumer's mind compared to the competition. A position is often described as the meaningful difference between the brand and its competitors. Or more simply put, what's the 'Unique Selling Point' that trumps your competitors?
Please list or describe the type of people that need to be influenced by your logo when they see it. This is very important, as it's all about ensuring your message is conveyed to the right audience.